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Fancy Foyer


Taylor is an enthusiastic go-getter! She was an amazing agent to work with, and she supported me 100% throughout the buying process. She was very proactive in sending me current listings and organizing viewings at times that suited my needs. She is extremely responsive and works very hard, in a very professional and friendly manner. She was diligent in submitting my offers to the houses I bid on, and followed-up on each offer and query in a timely manner.

When I found the house I really wanted, Taylor worked hard to ensure I was successful with my bid, and then kept in close contact with me throughout the pending sale phase, walking me through each of the steps I needed to take. She liaised with my attorney's office to ensure everything was going to plan so I could close on the date we proposed.

Taylor hasn't stopped working for me just because the sale of my house is now complete. She still follows up to ensure the contractors I've hired (based on her recommendation) are living up to their promises in remodeling my new home.

I couldn't be happier with my home buying experience, and I am very glad I had Taylor as my agent.

Information provided by Taylor Hildack Western Mass Realtor®

I can help you sell or buy too!

Taylor is an outstanding seller’s agent. She helped us set the right price to build buyer interest, resulting in multiple competitive offers. She also went above and beyond, helping us coordinate the sale from out of state. We’re grateful for Taylor’s help.

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